Saturday, 2 June 2012

Awesome Birthday Party!

Yep, I know, parties are awesome and so is food, so let me tell you what happened yesterday. Well a friend of mine had her 13th birthday party yesterday. It was a case of Liverpool (rubbish team) vs Tottenham (whooooo!), Sausage on the floor, tomato sauce all over my jacket, this really weird movie called White Chicks or something, my handbag getting abused, my shoes in the garden, a pinnate that took a while to fall apart, some pretty high heels, lots of loud burps, an asian guy who suffers from sweat attacks and heaps of fun and dancing! I swear i've gained like a kg or something. Everyone was pretty much high on lollies but it was heaps of fun. The neighbours were probably thinking of bringing a machine gun to the house and threatening to kill us all if we didn't keep the noise down. Well i'm still recovering but here is an awesome Horrible Histories Series 4 RAF song piccie!

Fred Bear xx

P.S. I don't one any of the piccies I put up of any famous peeps - sadly... :)

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